Kurohide's Secret Hideout

Look@LAN – monitoring multiple LAN/WAN connection

Posted in Information Tech, Network by kurohide on 01/05/2009

One of very useful computer network utilities that I ever used is Look@host. I not a Computer Network Expert or the Admin, but in my work as I.T System Support and Implementation usually I must monitoring all our company’s branch connection always have its uptime, multiple connection status in the same time. Maybe you ever have this same problem. Ok, I could just using the command line/terminal, do a Ping to each IP Address all the time, but its wasting, I’m not only working just to seeing this Ping result ^^ so I need one application, one utilities, that could doing the multiple PING in the same time, also could notice me if connection broken, there is Look@LAN.


To use it, run the Lookahost one part of Look@LAN Utilities, then add all of host IP Address you want to the list. the application will notice you with Alarm sound every each of these host connection down. Green one show as upconnection and the Red as downconnection.


Indeed, there’s other useful Networks tools in Look@LAN packages, just get yourself try it hehehehe ^^


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